All our work is based on our principles of know-how expressed in the SmartSteps®. Following the SmartSteps® we first carefully identify the underlying issues and then we act and react. This is how it goes step by step:
1. Pre-study
We recognize that any work starts with a thorough analysis of the needs, aims and project goals. The scope is set and a preliminary project plan is made.
2. Requirement and premises analysis
The work goals (expected results) are mutually defined based on an evaluation of the needs in relation to the given circumstances.
3. Solutions analysis
The project solution is determined through defining the individual parameters based on the requirements and premises.
4. Planning
We analyze and plan how to reach the solution based on the results of the solutions analysis.
5. Implementation
Work is performed according to clearly formulated and documented plans.
6. Deliverables
Each work results in a deliverable formulated in writing (verbal, numerical, or software). The deliverable always relates to the planned limits and scopes (initial or changed as per the iterative process).
7. Testing, support, maintenance and change-management
We communicate with the client about our findings and suggestions through-out the entire project to guarantee efficiency and sustainable solutions.